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Empaths - Wayshowers - Lightworkers - Energy Workers - Coaches

Let's Get Ready for the Mass Awakening

Are you receiving signs and messages that it's time to share your unique gifts with the world? Is your intuition urging you to take action? Do you feel a sense of purpose, but struggle to know where to begin and often dismiss or ignore these ideas? In order to serve the collective during this mass awakening, empaths, sensitives, lightworkers, and wayshowers are being called upon to step forward.

Your individual and special frequency is needed, as we all hold a piece of the puzzle that contributes to the whole.

If you've been feeling compelled to take action but are unsure of how or what you can offer, this course is designed for you. I have received guidance to begin this journey and it's time to get started. Although the course hasn't been created yet, it will be a collaborative effort.

Business coaching is my area of expertise and I find great excitement in brainstorming and generating ideas for starting new ventures. Creating spiritual businesses is especially thrilling to me.

I have a sense of urgency to show up and support others. Perhaps it's about creating momentum or helping those who are afraid to begin.

There is much work ahead of me, but I invite you to join me at the ground level and embark on this inspired idea together.

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