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4 Steps To Manifesting

Why this book?

The law of attraction is impartial and doesn't differentiate between happy or angry individuals. It applies to everyone equally, and no one can get more or less of its effects. One cannot purchase the law of attraction with money, as it is a universal law that responds to one's vibration or set point. By altering your set point, you can transform your life. We are continually manifesting, and it is vital to learn how to leverage the law of attraction to your benefit. Realizing how effortless it is to manifest your aspirations is crucial.

Self Love Meditation

Immerse yourself in the all-encompassing realm of love and synchronize with the entirety of existence. Your worthiness is inherent, and you need not strive to prove or earn it. Permit the unconditional support of the universe to envelop you completely. Sabrina Brightstar has crafted and narrates a peaceful, calming guided meditation.

Open Ended Question Loop 

Raise Your Vibration INSTANTLY

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Benefit One

Unveil the mysterious recipe for bringing your desires to reality.

Benefit Two

There is an uncomplicated technique to break free from a stagnant situation.

4 Steps To Manifesting

Guided Self Love Meditation

Open Ended Questions Loop

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